Bugrepel Natural Insect & Tick Repellent Products

Catalog and Order Form


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*Please NOTE: If you want International Shipping, you will need to pay the entire shipping cost. We can no longer afford to absorb International Shipping costs! To complete an international order and shipment, you must E-MAIL your order to us at bugrepel@lycos.com. The PayPal shopping cart will not calculate your shipping charges properly, and we will have to re-build the order and re-calculate your Order Amounts if you use it!


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For Product Description, click on Product Name.

Product Name
Size (oz.)
Bugrepel Spray Moisturizing Water-Based
2 oz.
Spicy Lavender
8 oz.
32 oz.
1 gallon
Bugrepel Oil Moisturizing Oil-Based Concentrate
2 oz.
Spicy Lavender
8 oz.
32 oz
1 gallon
Golfer's Bugrepel Moisturizing Water-Based
2 oz.
8 oz.
32 oz
1 gallon
8 oz.
16 oz.
32 oz.
1 gallon
2 oz.
Fresh Sea Breeze
8 oz.
1 pk
see kit
8 oz.
fresh clean scent

OutDoor Lover's Kit

1 pk
See Kit info
Pet Lover's Kit
1 pk
See Kit info
Bugs Away Vase
1 vase

Product Name
Size (oz.)
Bugrepel AntFree Spray
1 gallon.
32 oz.
Be Happy Bugfree Shampoo/Body Wash
16 oz.
Spicy Lavender
32 oz.
$19.97-Best Value!
Psorasis Cream
0.5 oz.
2 oz.

Year-Round Protection for All Your Needs-For Product Description, click on Product Name.



Specifically for Pets

Oil-based Pet Products-best for dogs and other animals with coarse or long hair. (This product is longer-lasting than water-based Bugrepel and will last up to a month on your pet if applied thoroughly, as directed. If possible, use this rather than a water-based product and you will find it is more effective against fleas, ticks and other insects. In heavily wooded areas, apply extra coats of oil-based Bugrepel before taking your pet on walks in the woods. A little oil-based Bugrepel goes a long way as well, so it is more economical, too. If you are treating your pet for fleas, bathe the pet in Bugrepel shampoo first, then apply oil-based Bugrepel for long-lasting protection from fleas.)-For Product Description, click on Product Name.

Product Name
Size (oz.)
Bugrepel Pet Spray-Extra Strength
2 oz.
8 oz.
Heavy Duty "Pond Dog" Oil Spray
32 oz.
$39.97-Best Value!

Water-based Pet Products-best for cats and other pets with fine or short hair-For Product Description, click on Product Name.

Product Name
Size (oz.)
Bugrepel Pet Spray-Extra Strength
2 oz.
8 oz.
Bugrepel Pet Shampoo/Body Wash
8 oz.
16 oz.
32 oz.
$20.97-Best Value!


Horse & Large Animal Pet Products-For Product Description, click on Product Name.

To return to the Equine Fly Stop web site, just click the banner above or click HERE.

Product Name
Size (oz.)
Equine TickFlyStop
1 gal.
McIntosh Apple
32 oz.
McIntosh Apple
1 gal.
Spicy Lavender
32 oz.
Spicy Lavender



If you have any questions you would like answered online, here is the place to ask! We are available online real-time during most regular workday hours and evenings until 9 PM as well.





Bugrepel •  bugrepel@lycos.com  •  p:  908-453-4349  •  300 Warren Road, Oxford, New Jersey, 07863, US

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Copyright 2000-2004 Bugrepel. All rights reserved. Text and graphics are protected by US & International copyright laws and may not be copied, reprinted, published, translated, hosted or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit permission.

Built by Frank Wyllie

