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Payment Policy
Questions You May Have About Equine Fly Stop
PayPal Security Policy
In addition to receiving at NO additional cost, 100,000 worth of credit card insurance protection through Traveler's Insurance Company, PayPal maintains the following Proprietary Security Policy, the highest in the internet industry:
Protection Against Theft Your private account information is stored on a server that is protected both physically and electronically.
Physical Protection
Our servers are stored in a locked steel cage at one of Global Crossing's highly secure Global Centers. Key security features provided by Global Crossing include:
*Triple-redundant power, air and fire suppression systems.
Four-spot seismically secured racks.
*On-site staff monitoring and maintaining systems and security 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.
*Special security features such as biometric hand scanners, ramming bollards, laser sniffers and bulletproof glass.
Electronic Protection
Our servers are NOT directly connected to the Internet. They sit behind a firewall, which ensures that private financial information is available only to messages from authorized computers.
Protection Against Electronic Eavesdropping
When you communicate with PayPal through your computer's web browser, your interactions are automatically protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Before you register for our service or before you login to your account, our server checks to make sure you're using one of the approved browsers. We only support browsers that use SSL 3.0 or higher.
Protection Against Misdirected Payments
As part of our standard verification process, we send a 20-digit confirmation number to every email address that users submit to us during registration or after logging in to their accounts. This confirmation number allows us to verify that the person claiming that email address actually receives email at that address. This is important because we let people pay each other based on an email address as a unique identifier. Before we transfer the funds to a particular PayPal account, we verify that the user who claims to possess the recipient email address has entered the 20-digit confirmation number. If someone signs up with a particular email address but fails to enter the 20-digit confirmation number, that person will not be eligible to claim any funds paid to that email address.
We use paypal because we want you to have a secure purchase and back on the first purchase from paypal
contact us at equineflystop@lycos.com
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remover,free soothing music CD,natural insect repellents, ticks, horse flies,herbal
insect repellent, house flies, stable flies,free soothing music CD, horses,
house and garden, face,West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, mosquitoes,woods,
bugs, bug remover, insect remover, deer ticks,Equine Fly Stop is an all
natural insect repellent designed to get rid of ticks, horse flies, stable
flies, face flies, mosquitoes, gnats and more from your stable, horse, barn
and away from you. EFS is 100% DEET-free and has a wonderful natural fragrance
made from pure floral essential oil extracts. |